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Premium 20 red roses bouquet

What’s the better way to express your true feelings than with this stylish bouquet of premium red roses? Red roses are known as a symbol of love and friendship. Surprise your loved one with a classic flower composition or send someone an elegant birthday gift. Thanks to amazing, vibrant colours and bright charm, this bouquet is suitable for all occasions. Red roses are a perfect flower gift when words are simply not enough.

VIP roses bouquet is the best way to express feelings

This bouquet is composed of 20 premium red roses, eucalyptus, and gypsophila. Above all red roses are a beautiful and classic gift. They can carry a beautiful message as they represent many feelings like love, cheerfulness, and happiness. It makes them a great present for anyone close to your heart. They are perfect for all kinds of special occasions for example birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, or Valentine’s Day. This VIP roses bouquet is definitely one of our bestsellers and we recommend it for all events.

How big is the bouquet?

As you know each rose varies a bit from another. We use premium Naomi long stem rose that is always larger than other species. This is a medium arrangement however we can guarantee that it will be beautifully presented. Depending on our florist technique it should be between 40 cm- 60 cm in diameter and min. 50 cm tall.

What about the bouquet price?

The price displayed after choosing the delivery country is final and includes all the delivery charges.

Does it include the vase?

No, vases can be added separately. The vase that is in the picture is for presentation purposes only.

Does it include the ribbon? Will the VIP roses bouquet be delivered?

Each bouquet is decorated by one of our amazing florists and floral design artists. Above all, we guarantee you that your luxury rose bouquet will be prepared according to our guidelines. Most importantly it will contain the exact amount of flowers and it will be decorated tastefully. In the same vein, as every artist adds his or her touches to a final product, two bouquets will never be the same. In other words, we are only using fresh and best quality products, and our florists are devoted to recreating the bouquet so that it will be as similar as possible to a picture.

VIP delivery service and premium quality guaranteed

If you have any further questions, you are welcome to browse through our FAQ section.

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