
Sparkly Roses



Premium 20 red roses with crystals bouquet

What’s a better way to add a touch of glamour to your floral gift than with this stunning bouquet of premium red roses? Red roses have always been a timeless symbol of love, passion, and admiration. Now, enhanced with delicate sparkling crystals, this bouquet becomes an unforgettable gift. Whether it’s a romantic occasion, a birthday surprise, or an elegant gesture of appreciation, these radiant roses make every moment shine. Let their deep red hues and shimmering accents create a lasting impression.


Roses with crystals, a luxury bouquet that speaks from the heart

This exquisite bouquet features 20 premium red roses with crystals. Red roses are a classic choice for expressing deep emotions, and the added sparkle in each flower makes them even more captivating. Whether for an anniversary, a grand celebration, or a special surprise, this bouquet is designed to dazzle and delight.

How big is this red roses bouquet?

We carefully select long-stem premium red roses to ensure a full and impressive arrangement. While every rose is unique, we guarantee a beautifully presented bouquet with an approximate diameter of 40 cm to 60 cm and a height of at least 50 cm.

What about the bouquet price?

The final price displayed after selecting the delivery country includes all delivery charges. There are no hidden fees, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free ordering experience.

Does it include the vase?

No, the vase in the picture is for display purposes only. If you’d like to add one to your bouquet, contact us.

How will the bouquet of red roses with crystals be delivered?

Each roses with crystals bouquet is handcrafted by our talented florists, ensuring the highest quality and attention to detail. Your bouquet will be arranged according to our exacting standards and using only fresh, premium flowers and delivered locally. While each floral artist adds their unique touch, we guarantee that your Sparkly Roses bouquet will be as stunning as the image shown.

VIP delivery service and premium quality guaranteed

To see more romantic bouquets, click here. For any further questions, please visit our FAQ section.

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