Are you looking for an elegant corporate bouquet or flowers for a man? Check out our Luxury Blossoms!
This white purple and blue flower bouquet is a classic composition. Companies, as well as customers, choose it for various occasions. It is great for events or as an office decoration. Moreover, it is an elegant present if you are looking for flowers for a man. Luxury Blossoms are always a good choice, privately or professionally.
We use only long-stem flowers. The arrangement is large and is based on 17 white roses and 12 lisianthuses. Additionally, it is decorated with gypsophila and greenery which add a beautiful finish to the bouquet. We recommend Luxury Blossoms for every occasion, these are great flowers for a man or for business purposes. Lastly, the bouquet can be used as an event bouquet or reception decoration flowers.
How big is the bouquet?
As you know each flower varies from one to another. However, the premium quality of each is our priority. We can’t promise you an exact dimension however, we can guarantee that this arrangement will be large and impressive. Depending on our florist technique it should be between 50 cm- 80 cm in diameter. Furthermore min. 60 cm tall.
What about the bouquet price?
The price displayed after choosing the delivery country is final. It includes all the delivery charges. Each country has a different price list.
Does it include the vase?
No, vases can be added separately. The vase on the photo is for presentation only. Frequently we have promotions for vases gratis. You can always look it up.
Are the Luxury Blossoms suitable flowers for a man?
Sure! We definitely recommend it but it doesn’t mean other bouquets are less appropriate, it’s all up to you!
Will the exact white flower bouquet be delivered?
Each bouquet is created by one of our amazing florists. Above all, we guarantee you that your white flower bouquet will be made according to our guidelines. Most importantly, it will contain the exact amount of flowers. In the same vein, as every artist adds his or her touches to a final product, two bouquets will never be the same. In other words, we are only using fresh and best-quality products. Above all our florists are devoted to recreating the bouquet as similar as possible to a picture.
If you have any further questions, you are welcome to browse through our FAQ section.
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