
The mystery of a blue rose

Blue Rose

The Mystery of Blue Roses: Discovering the Meaning Behind the Rare and Unique Flower.

Are you curious about the meaning behind blue roses? In this article we explore the mystery of blue roses and uncover their symbolism.

As it is commonly known the rose is a queen of flowers. The Greeks believed that the rose was created by the goddess of love, Aphrodite. It comes in many different shapes and colours. Did you know that there are thousands of different breeds existing? Among them, there is a mysterious blue rose we would like to tell you more about.

First of all, it is important to mention that blue roses do not exist in nature.

You surely are familiar with white, yellow, red or pink roses. They grow naturally and are very common, but blue? That’s right, blue roses are artificially made and for this reason very hard to find.

As mentioned, the blue colour is not in the gene pool of roses. It would be impossible to achieve the blue-coloured rose by simply crossbreeding flower species. This is where science steps in. After thirteen years of collaborative research by Australian and Japanese researchers, in 2004, the blue roses have been created. All thanks to the genetic engineering of a white rose and the blue pigment called delphinidin which gives the roses a blueish shade. Why blueish? Whilst the researchers call it a “blue rose” it is more lavender or pale mauve in colour.

Right, so how are the blue roses created then? We rush to explain.

There are a few ways to achieve truly blue-coloured roses. Florists can produce blue roses using a few different methods. One way is to dip the freshly cut stems of the white roses in the blue dye which is water mixed with a powdered or liquid blue florist’s dye. The stems absorb the dye and you’ll find the colour in the petals. Another way is a dip-dyeing method. It is basically dipping the rose’s blooms one by one into the blue dye for a few seconds. Some of the florists use the spray method as well by painting the roses using the blue spray.

What does a blue rose symbolize?

Blue roses are magical and unique flowers. Since they are very rare, they are known as a symbol of mystery and deep emotions. They symbolize change, imagination and a beginning of a new adventure. Moreover, blue roses are known as a symbol of emotions that go with the start of a new relationship.

Whilst all colours of roses are beautiful, blue roses definitely stand out from the rest. All thanks to their looks and the special meaning.

Have you ever come across blue roses? If you feel inspired, we invite you to see our Blue Roses bouquet available with delivery all over the world.

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